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tv   [untitled]    March 14, 2014 7:30am-8:01am PDT

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>> 7 and a half million renovation is part of the clean and safe neighbor's park fund which was on the ballot four years ago and look at how that public investment has transformed our neighborhood. >> the playground is unique in that it serves a number of age groups, unlike many of the
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other properties, it serves small children with the children's play grounds and clubhouses that has basketball courts, it has an outdoor soccer field and so there were a lot of people that came to the table that had their wish list and we did our best to make sure that we kind of divided up spaces and made sure that we kept the old features of the playground but we were able to enhance all of those features. >> the playground and the soccer field and the tennis fields and it is such a key part of this neighborhood. >> we want kids to be here.
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we want families to be here and we want people to have athletic opportunities. >> we are given a real responsibility to insure that the public's money is used appropriately and that something really special comes of these projects. we generally have about an opportunity every 50 years to redo these spaces. and it is really, really rewarding to see children and families benefit, you know, from the change of culture, at each one of these properties >> and as a result of, what you see behind us, more kids are playing on our soccer fields than ever before. we have more girls playing sports than we have ever had before. [ applause ] fp >> and we are sending a strong message that san francisco families are welcome and we want you to stay.
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>> this park is open. ♪ >> so what brought you out here for the bike ride today? >> i grew up in san francisco but i have been living in new york. i wanted to see what san francisco is doing with infrastructure. >> cities are where people are living these days. the bay area is doing a lot with construction and the way to change the world starts here. >> we are about to take a bike
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ride. we have 30 cyclist. i'm really excited to hit the road and see what the city has in store. >> i definitely recommend it to people. it's a fun afternoon and you learn so many things. >> this is so much fun. i go to parts of the city that i don't come to. this will make the
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city a more susta >> welcome and thank you so itch for being here for this historic occasion renaming of the bridge for willie l brown junior. this is no better person than bridge. he's spent a lifetime providing a pathway so millions of californians could improve their lives. please stand now as we singalong with the first song maybe. this is a wonderful occasion because we not only will sing the national anthem but the
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negro national anthem after that. this is the two-time grammy award winning boys choir academy specific boys choir academy we welcome them for the 3 sons under the director kevin fox >> oh, can you can you see by the dawns early light. what so proudly we hail. at the twilights last gleaming. who's broad strips and stars
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through the per he will allows night. over ram parts we lark with so glandly streaming. and the rockets red glare, the bombs busting in air. gave proof through the night. that our flag was still there. oh, say does that star stand banner yet wave? over the land of the free.
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and the home of the brave. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (clapping.) >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ our voices sing to the heaven ring, ring with a heartfelt
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liability and the revise in heart for an amazing start that to resound. king of song born of the face and heart of king born of the hope. we rise in song for the causalities the revoig. so if our song rings on. this will our hope.
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for the ring over the weary sing we sing for the song. we have long over a way. we have gone through 0 singing. if the - we sing. with people for our story. of our horrify gone overnight and triumph. now we will raise our voice.
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it is forever in the past we sing. those are the places. make our hearts stronger. this is the voice. to the heart and soul.
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(clapping.) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i left my heart in san francisco. i honor it all to me. to be with little cable cars fly halfway to the stars. some morning it is in the air. i don't care. my love waits there in san
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francisco. among the blue and clear sky. when i come home to you san francisco. your gotten sky will shine for me. your golden sky will shine for me. (clapping.) >> thank you very, very much.
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the pacific boy choir academy. (clapping.) an academy that is supported by willie lewis brown. well, you, you know, it took the state legislature to make this a reality but it took the i am going and the drive a political savvy of the lady who is the president of naacp. ass allows decided there could be no better way to celebrate black history month than to make history that's why we're here today and alice we owe you a big
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debt of grutd. thank you for being our official host today (clapping) you also doubt there are many people who can't be called a celebrity or dignitary. i'm going to do this because our all special just read a few names of the special, special (laughter) we'll start with the mayor of sdpo san francisco mayor ed lee and jeff is here and coworker i didn't and mark farrell and london breeding and jp morgan moscone and convincing and kevin shelly and regularly allergy.
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cohesive craig shur and fire chief joan as well as all of you very special people. we welcome you carmen count iv u chiu is on my list and thank you for not allowing me to use your titles today. unfortunately, i have to inform you that bar andrew young was unable to leave his people home in atlanta, georgia because of the snowstorm it was two threatening for him to travel so ambassador young who was a constant champion of dr. martin luther king was emotional about missing this occasion. he hoped for an opportunity to
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talk about the sfakz of the movement and it's connection to the process shown p.i. by this sermon, however, mr. kings personal attorney one of his political advisory and for historical reasons he was a draft speech writer and one who helped him write the iconic i have a dream speech. he's a professor at the every time of the san francisco and a schooler at the martin luther king jr. at the university. doctor jones is here to puck pick up the mandala we welcome you to the podium (clapping.)
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>> thank you so very much. aefld i think the organizesers of this program are testing my skills i'm also a professor of the university of the san francisco on the art of speech writing so i find i've been limited to a short period of time. let me just say this (laughter) it is fitting in the naming of the bridge considers in the 50th anniversary year of the 1964 christopher's movement and for the crusade for the ask the especially from the north and across the nation to journey to mississippi to register a vote. that happened 50 years ago and
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across the bridge galvanizing and mobile listed the consciousness of a nation leading to the civil rights voting act of 1965. there is a line that connects the krifrts voting in 1965 the voting rights act the crossing of edmond bridge and the crusade to register unregistered blacks in mississippi. there's a line that connected k connects that movement here today. so willie my friends it's not about the naming of the bridge but the historical context within this naming